Sunday, January 23, 2011

In Greensboro NC for US Figure Skating Championships

Arrived on Friday and except for the 6 inches of snow we left behind in Pittsburgh the trip was pretty uneventful. We arrived at the hotel, checked in, registered for the event and had some dinner. Everyone is so nice and  helpful here and there are signs welcoming the skaters everywhere.

We had 2 official practices on Saturday, and we drew 8 (our luck number) for our skating order for the CD event. Today we had an early morning warm-up for the CD event which starts at 10am.

We would like to thank everyone for the good luck wishes you have sent to us. A special shout out to Brenda Lauten for the cool balloon bouquets she sent to us  - ummm Brenda watch who you tell to "Break a Leg", LOL.... still a little touchy about that one ;-)

One more thing GO STEELERS!

Will try to post our placement after the 1st event here later today.....

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Ice Dancing teens make the National Championships

2011 US Figure Skating National Championships

So excited to be going to the 2011 US Figure Skating National Championships! In one week from today we will be in Greensboro NC getting ready for the Pattern Dance segment of the competition. This year's dances are the Paso and the Blues. The next day (Monday) is the Free Dance segment.